About Frenck

Picture of Franck Nijhof

How nice of you to drop by and showing an interest in my human existence 😊.

I’m Franck Nijhof, better known on the Internet as Frenck, and I mainly write about the IoT (Internet of Things) and Home Automation 🏡. Come with me on my domotics adventure that turns my house into a real smart home that, most importantly, meets all the PAF (Partner Approval Factor) guidelines.

Partner Approval FactorA term used by someone to describe how likely their brilliant home improvement projects, social plans or geek toys will be accepted by their partners.

I use Home Assistant as my home automation system, which is built with the Python programming language and allows you to tie an amazing amount of IoT devices together. The best part of it, it is open source, and you can smoothly run it on a cheap Raspberry Pi.

If you are still reading, the chances are that you are probably interested in the “howto” part of this all. Don’t worry, I’ll provide tutorials on different subjects, like Z-Wave, lighting automation 💡, and presence detection. Other types of things; Sharing my configurations, and stories about contributions I make to the open source community, and along the way, I’ll do some reviews on IoT hardware.

I have over 30 years of programming experience, and I like to give back my knowledge and time to the open source community. You might have found me via one of the many add-ons I’ve created for the Home Assistant Operating System. My Home Assistant add-ons are probably the most downloaded and used add-ons in the world.

My Home Assistant add-ons are probably the most downloaded and used add-ons in the world.

Franck Nijhof

I also have a personal life (yeah really!). I live in Enschede, a city in the east of the Netherlands, I’m a father of a 9-year-old baby girl 👧, a 5-year-old big boy 👶, and engaged to the love of my life 💑.

I’m a nerd and I am proud of it. It is my hobby, which I turned into my profession while maintaining it as my hobby. As a nerd, I do have some other interests, which may pop up on my site from time to time. For example, things like encryption, programming in general, GPG/GnuPG/OpenPGP 🔒, and maybe I’ll throw in something personal from time to time.

I’m a nerd, and I am proud of it.

Franck Nijhof

My life is a busy one. Being a family man, creating time for the people around me, and having a full-time open source job, that I do as a hobby as well, is like juggling ten balls at the same time. We all got the same 24 hours in a day and the time doesn’t wait or stop. Are you in some sort of like-wise situation?

Years ago I decided to become more productive in my life and started working on systems to achieve that goal. You’d probably have one (or more) of those todo-lists right? Yeah… I thought so… so did I. They grow, become obsolete, and are eventually forgotten.

Procarastination is oppertunity’s assassin.

Victor Kiam

I use a method called “GTD” (Getting Things Done) and developed my own habits and disciplines over the past years. Happy Productivity!

Hoping you are enjoying my site, and please, feel free to contact me any time! 👊


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